This page will provide you with a brief summary of each topic to get a feel of what we are teaching. Each chapter will come with study guides, quizzes, and PowerPoints.

1: Social Media
Make sure you are proud of the personal information that you are showing the world on your social media pages! They are like a resume or college application that everyone can see.
1. Password protection tips
2. Do's and Don'ts of social media
3. How to use the Internet in a job search
4. Tips on how to interview virtually for a job

4: Banking and Savings
You received your first paycheck, where can you stash your cash?
1. What are checking and savings accounts?
2. Best strategies to save money
3. How to keep track of savings
4. CDs, debit/ATM cards, overdraft, and PINs
5. Electronic banking
6. Bitcoin: Introducing cryptocurrencies

5: Work Perk #1 Health Insurance
Learn about one of THE most important benefits an employer can offer! It can save you a lot of money on doctor visits and medication!
1. What is health insurance?
2. Choosing the best health insurance
3. Premiums, co-pays and deductibles
4. High deductible vs low deductible plans
5. HMOs, PPOs, HSAs, and FSAs

6: Work Perk #2: Vacay & Sick Days
Some companies provide more perks than just health insurance. Be sure to sign up for everything that is available!
1. Vacation days, paid time off, and sick days
2. Childcare benefits
3. Short and long-term disability
4. Student loan repayment & tuition reimbursement
5. Cafeteria & gym plans

12: Loans & Credit Score
Understand how credit cards and loans work to make sure you don’t borrow more than you can afford to repay!
1. Fixed- vs floating-rate loans
2. Term loans vs. revolving loans
3. Determining your credit score
4. How credit scores affect loan interest rates
5. Landlords and employers use credit scores
6. Credit cards, mortgages, car loans, student loans

13: Student Loans
Student loans can help you pay for college, but make sure they don’t leave you struggling to repay debt for many years.
1. Keeping college costs down
2. The FAFSA form
3. Where to borrow student loans
4. Different payment plans
5. Strategies for repaying multiple loans
6. How to get out of debt faster

15: Taxes
Filing taxes is part of REALLIFE, too. Learn the basics here and you will find it's not as scary as you think!
1. Basic terminology
2. Do you have to file?
3. Should you file anyway to get money back?
4. Understanding Standard Deduction vs Itemizing
5. Difference between Flat tax, Progressive
and excise taxes
6. Tax Chart and tax rates vs blended tax rate